These are cash prices. We happily accept Venmo and PayPal payments, but the cost will be slightly higher than the prices listed here.
Paying a minimum deposit for a program through Venmo or PayPal will not change the cost.
All private sessions are held at the Diamond K9 Dog Training Center at 432 Elm Street, Suite E in Biddeford (open by appointment only).
We offer free phone consultations to help you decide how you should proceed with your dog. To set this up, simply fill out the contact form or send us a text message (207)577-5941.
Diamond K9 Academy (Online)
A lot of folks get scared of the word E-collar. We’re here to tell you that you can relax. Our experience has been that most people have no idea what they are missing out on until they finally try one, and then their mind is blown at what their dog is really capable of. Wouldn’t it be great to send your dog to their bed and know that they will settle down and stay there until you say it is okay to get up? Well you can. And you don’t have to worry about messing anything up or hurting your dog because we make this easy!
In this course you will learn how to set up your E-collar, condition your dog to understand the E-collar on very low, gentle levels, and ultimately how to hold your dog accountable so you can successfully train your dog to get on ‘place’ and stay there for hours! Something you probably never thought your dog could do. Benefit from Kati’s expert tips on collar management and conditioning, all while building a stronger bond and better life with your dog. This course focuses on the basics of introducing an E-collar and teaching one single command from start to finish to avoid overwhelming you with new information. And Kati is always happy to provide support to you when you are working on your course. You can email her your questions anytime. Join us for a transformative training experience in the comfort of your own home and work at your own pace. You will be so glad you did!
Courses are available for purchase in the courses section of the shop. Alternatively, if you already have a membership, you can log into Diamond K9 Academy here.
Board & Train Options To Suit Your Needs!

Your dog will get time to rehearse new skills and behaviors consistently for a period of time before going home, so you don’t have to build everything from scratch—you just need to keep it going! There will still be a time commitment on your end when your dog returns home, but the hardest part is out of the way. Now it’s time to practice what everybody has learned with our support and guidance. During your free consultation, we can discuss if a board and train program is a good fit for you at this time. Fill out the contact form now to get started!
Puppy Scholar | |
7-10 day Board and Train | |
Do you feel overwhelmed by where to start training? Do you read a lot of conflicting information about what you should be doing and how to do it? Does your new puppy have accidents in the house, mouth or nip a lot, jump and pull on the leash? Or maybe you just don’t have a lot of time and could use some help. If you want to reduce chaos, lay a great obedience foundation, learn how to increase and decrease behaviors, and get ongoing support and guidance, this is a great program for you! We will teach your puppy ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘place’, ‘come’, and leash engagement skills!
In addition to commands, we work on calmness in the crate, structure, potty habits, name recognition, manners at the door, and eliminating jumping, nipping/mouthing, inappropriate barking, and begin building impulse control. It is important to understand that your puppy will need practice and consistency when they return home. As with all programs, there will be a time commitment on your end to maintain and strengthen behaviors and build engagement with YOU. Minor behavioral issues are addressed in this program, and we’ll show you how to address them at home. I will provide you with 7-10 days of boarding and training for your dog, one in-depth private session with you and your puppy, a prong collar or slip lead (depending on the dog), a raised cot, and continued text and e-mail support as needed for a full year following the training! This is a tremendous value for any new puppy owner! The Puppy Scholar program is generally for puppies 3-5 months old. It is not something I offer for dogs six months or older because it is designed for the young puppy with a short attention span and little to no foundation. At about five or six months of age, most dogs are capable of much more, and so I recommend a more advanced program geared for the long term. This is an ON LEASH program. However, it is a fantastic foundation upon which to build off leash reliability later, and I do offer $50 off from the more advanced Goal Digger board and train for anybody who has completed the Puppy Scholar program previously. |
Price | $847 (includes 1 session w/owner) |
Goal Digger Package | |
2 week Board and Train | |
This is our number one program for anybody who just wants to get more reliability and engagement from their dog. This program is focused mainly on commands, off leash reliability, and eliminating minor behavioral issues. Do you wish your dog would listen, even around distractions? Come back when called? Stop pulling on the leash? Imagine a dog that lies on their bed when guests arrive, and stays there! What will it be like to take your dog out to the park, and when you call them, they immediately return to you? Fix common problems like minor reactivity, jumping, counter-surfing, playing keep-away, bad leash manners, etc. while also getting compliance with obedience commands. Your dog can be a super star in no time!
Your dog can learn these skills! It is important to understand that your dog will need practice and consistency when they return home. As with all programs, there will be a commitment on your end when your dog goes home. You will receive an in-depth go home session where you will learn everything you need to know, hands on, about how to maintain and build their new skills. The day your dog goes home you will begin building a new relationship with them. Everyone in the home who handles the dog must be present for this session. You’ll also get a follow-up session several weeks later, continued support for up to a year to ensure long-term success, and free admission to our drop in group classes for as long as they are offered! This program gives you an impressive and complete combination of training, tools, and support. A prong collar, E-collar, long line, and raised cot ($320 value) are required for this program and are all provided for you! Your dog gets two weeks of boarding and one-on-one attention, frequent sessions of active training daily, combined with hours of passive training (duration work, calmness in crate, state of mind work), plus field trips ($2000 value). You also get two private sessions (three to four hours total)($400 value), continued support when needed via text or e-mail for a full year ($1000 value) after your dog returns home, and admission to drop in group classes for the life of your dog for as long as classes are offered ($300 value)! It is important to me that my clients are successful. That’s why we provide you with the best tools on the market and lots of additional support valued at nearly $4000 for only $1,797. You will not find a better value for top-notch training. The two-week board and train program is intended for dogs with minimal behavioral issues. It is a basic, off-leash obedience program. A three or four week board and train is more appropriate for dogs presenting with reactivity, severe anxiety, any type of aggression or guarding, or extreme over arousal, as it allows more time to pattern behaviors and disassociation from triggers before the dog returns home. No dog will ever be a robot (and we wouldn’t want them to be!), but our goal with a board and train program is to get the dog into a space where they have a lot of rehearsal and are reliable and manageable enough for us to be able to pass the baton to the owners with ease. |
Price | $1797 (2 weeks / 2 sessions with owner) |
Serenity Now! | |
3-4 week Board and Train | |
Is your dog struggling with some things that are really impacting their quality of life (and yours, too)? Maybe it is separation anxiety or anxiety in general—things like self mutilation, constant howling, breaking out of the kennel, inability to be still, ingesting foreign objects, etc. Maybe your dog is reactive, and it’s getting difficult to walk them by dogs or to have people over, or you are trying to walk them at 10pm when you don’t have to worry about triggers. Maybe you have a really nervous dog who is a flight risk and sees everything as a threat. These are the dogs that need this program.
Imagine these escalating issues were actually a thing of the past. Imagine knowing exactly how to work your dog through their challenges, and seeing them make better choices and being more comfortable in situations that used to be impossible. Imagine living life like normal again WITH your dog! This program lays an obedience foundation and teaches the dog the language of the E-collar just like in the Goal Digger program. The additional one to two weeks enables us to dive deeper into state of mind training and also rehearse difficult situations. This program is highly tailored to the dog. Each day and the composition of each session is dictated by what this specific dog needs to reach a more balanced state of mind and also to desensitize and disassociate from previous triggers. The board and train format really enables us to get to know your dog on a deeper level and discover some of the smaller more nuanced things about their behavior and how they respond to things, which we can then pass on to you for maximum success! Calmness, impulse control, neutrality, clarity, confidence, and structure are some of the things we really instill while your dog is here. We give them a very clear path to walk which makes things predictable for them. They know exactly what is expected and how to do it. The problem most dogs have is that there is no clear path, no clear leadership, and no clear boundaries. Combine this with any genetic propensities, and they can become frantic, anxious, nervous, insecure, pushy, or aggressive. This program helps your dog learn a whole new way of going through the world! And then we give them as much rehearsal as we can, and chip away at their state of mind issues as much as we can before passing the baton back to you at the go home session. It is mandatory that all adult handlers attend the go home session. |
Price | $2497 (3 weeks / 2 sessions with owner) |
$3197 (4 weeks / 2 sessions with owner) |
Composed Canine!
This program is geared mainly toward teaching obedience to a highly reliable level. It’s for dogs with no serious behavioral issues or reactivity. We show you how to teach your dog what you want, and also that they should listen regardless of distractions! This program is designed to achieve basic obedience reliability, both on and off-leash, in the real world. We use a high quality E-collar to add a new layer of communication with your dog. This really helps them understand our language by gently highlighting the COMMAND and the BEHAVIOR. Then, in the second phase of training, We show you how to begin holding your dog accountable for the behaviors we have taught them. This leads to a better life for both you and your dog and a relationship that is almost always dramatically improved.
This package includes four sessions and all of the required tools to fully develop all the basic obedience behaviors. We will work with your dog and also with you. You just need to practice daily in between each of our sessions. This program really doesn’t usually require a huge time commitment, but there is definitely a daily time commitment. If you do not put in the daily repetition as instructed, we cannot build on your dog’s training at the next class. It is critical that the practice is done daily at home in between our sessions together. Coming to class will give you the information you need, but it won’t result in a trained dog. By limiting this program to four sessions, We are able to keep the price lower, but it is critical that we can move the dog forward at each class, so you want to be sure you can commit to the training when you enroll. The results are priceless! And if you can prioritize training for a few weeks to a couple of months, you could have a very different dog in a very short time! Dogs presenting with serious behavioral issues are better suited to the Relationship Rescue option.
If you want your dog to be able to comply with basic commands, walk nicely on a leash, come back when called, and have manners, this is the program for you. Minor behavioral issues (like jumping, barking, counter-surfing) can also be addressed in this program. We typically teach ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘place’, ‘come’, and ‘heel’. ‘Out’, ‘quiet’, and crate training are also popular behaviors to teach. Adjustments can be made according to your individual needs. An E-collar, prong collar, raised cot, and long line are required for this program and will be provided for you. Don’t hesitate! Fill out the contact form today to get started, and finally have the fun and freedom you’ve always wanted with your dog! This is an all-inclusive program with many benefits besides just private sessions.
- Four private sessions focusing on teaching your dog obedience commands and the language of E-Collar
- Learn how to use the E-Collar to address over-arousal (state of mind is everything!)
- Mini-Educator from E-Collar Technologies
- Properly fitted prong collar
- Long line(20 feet)
- Raised cot
- Receive recaps of our session via email for reference (upon request)
- Text/email support in between our sessions
- Continued support after the program for a full year
- Free admission to Group Class For Graduates for as long as it is offered
- Future boarding eligibility—peace of mind knowing your dog is safe, and their training is maintained
Composed Canine | $797 (4 sessions + tools) |
Relationship Rescue!

Teaching obedience does not eliminate unwanted behaviors, and for that reason, obedience is not our main focus in this program, rather it is secondary. We will teach your dog pertinent commands and hold them highly accountable for them. But when it comes to resolving severe behavioral issues, this program will help you to learn how to disagree with and eliminate behaviors safely and effectively. You’ll teach your dog other things to do in place of those old behaviors, and address seemingly small moments that actually have a big impact on how your dog navigates through the world.
It would be nice if we could just spend a couple sessions teaching the dog to sit in trigger scenarios or issuing properly timed treats, but in reality that’s not how these things usually work. To truly be effective, we need to realize these things won’t improve by just carving out time for training “sessions” daily or weekly. Most likely, you will learn a whole new way to live with your dog and build a new relationship. That’s how you create real change. And that is what sets this program apart from others in the market. Other places tend to be very command centric, leaving the core problems and unwanted behaviors unaddressed.
You will learn how to address problem behaviors directly, how to work on the small moments throughout the day that you might not realize are contributing to the problems, how to use structure and accountability to balance your relationship, how to use the E-Collar to help your dog settle and disengage from triggers. We offer add on sessions that can be purchased after the program if you feel you need more hands on guidance or if there are other obedience commands you still want to develop. A prong collar, E-Collar, long line, and elevated cot are required for this program and will be provided for you. This equipment is included in the listed price.
If you want to get your situation under control and be able to live your life again, worry less, and trust your dog more, contact me today!
- Mini-Educator from E-Collar Technologies
- Properly fitted prong collar if needed
- Long line(20 feet)
- Raised cot
- Baskerville muzzle if needed
- Receive recaps (upon request) of our session via email for reference
- Phone/email support in between our sessions If Needed
- Continued support for one year after the program if needed
- Free admission to drop in group classes forever! (for as long as they are offered)
Relationship Rescue | $997 |
Command And Control
This course is designed for the person who wants to be prepared and proactive. It is a comprehensive course that will build your leadership skills in every aspect and reduce risk for you and your dog across the board. This program will not only provide you with training for your dog, it will make you a more confident and proficient handler and will provide you with documentation that you and your dog have completed the course and demonstrated proficiency in safety protocols, leash handling skills, and obedience commands in the real world around distractions.
To be clear, this isn’t a program for “bad” dogs. It is a program for responsible owners. This class will focus just as much on you and your skills as the dog’s. Your dog will be trained to a very high level of reliability. You will be taught how to hold your dog accountable for compliance. There is a heavy focus on accountability and rules and boundaries in this course. This program really is designed for people who are serious about results and are ready to make it happen. This isn’t a class just to pass the time or “work on things”. Enrollees should be prepared to commit to training and prioritize training at home for good results.
This is the perfect program for anybody with a large power breed dog. This is also a great program for anybody who has a dog with a bite history or that has incurred any kind of nuisance charges from animal control or other legal authorities. If you will be making a move into an apartment or housing association, this is also a great way to demonstrate you are a low risk pet owner, and that you know how to control your dog and can be trusted to do so.
This program will teach you how to bring your dog’s obedience to a very high level of reliability. It will allow you to assess, with guidance, what your dog’s genetic limitations and propensities may be, whether they can be trusted off leash, and what their trigger situations are as well as how to best handle them. In this program there is a lot of emphasis on teaching your dog what “no” means (a tool that is critical in modifying behavior effectively and can potentially save lives in emergency situations). The core content of this program is laying out clear rules and boundaries for your dog and there is just as much focus on teaching you how to do that.
This course includes all necessary tools except for a crate (prong collar, E-Collar, long line, and elevated cot), six private sessions spread out over six to twelve weeks. Homework is given after each class, and the course concludes with a field trip exam, after which you make a pledge vowing to uphold your leadership role for your dog. You will be given a certificate of successful completion if the exam is passed and the leadership pledge is made. If the exam is not passed, you can reschedule another exam for a fee at a later date. After completion of the course, you will then be eligible to attend free group classes, and your dog will potentially be eligible for future boarding!
Price | $1297 (6 sessions + tools) |
Standard Boarding | $50/nt |
Premium Boarding | $100/nt |
Free Content
You can also listen to our podcast, Off Leash and Unfiltered. You can also find my podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer, Podchaser, and other platforms.
These things are offered for free, and we appreciate it immensely when you share our content, enabling us to reach and help more people.