“Leave It” Is The Most Useless Command

Are you using the command "leave it"?  Is it really as beneficial as you think? It might depend on how you're using it. If you ask 10 people what it means, you'll get 10 different answers.  Most of the time it is a total waste of breath. Take a listen.

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Commands Will Not Fix Your Problems!

Kati Peppe, host of Off Leash and Unfiltered and owner of Diamond K9 Dog Training, delivers an episode filled with frank and direct advice about handling dog behavioral issues. Peppe emphasizes the common mistake of using commands to fix issues like jumping and over-excitement. Instead, she advises that these behaviors need direct correction to persuade the dog to choose behavior modification in the future. She uses real-world experiences from her clients to highlight the importance of this approach and why

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Are You Sending Your Dog Mixed Messages

Touching, Talking, and even simple eye contact can be encouraging to a dog. So why do we do all of the above when our dog is doing something we don't like? Human nature! That's why. And it's getting in your way.  Do you always follow through with things you supposedly "expect" from your dog? Or are there times when you think it's okay to kind of let it slide "this time"? Do you think that affects your overall results as

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5 Red Flags That Your Dog Is Worse Than You Think

If your dog is a little nutty, chances are good that you've noticed there is room for improvement. But usually the things we notice are the things that are really problematic for us, not the things that actually indicate the dog is really unbalanced.  We notice things that inconvenience us…like the dog won't listen or chews your shoes or  the dog is "afraid" of people, etc. But the true nature of your dog's state of mind is visible when none

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Are You Doing These Critical Things With Your Puppy?

Customers consistently tell me they are blown away by the changes in their dog and how much better their behavior is at the end of a board and train. I'm going to tell you exactly why that is so you can have the opportunity to do those things at home! Specifically, today, we are talking about… Puppies! We love puppies!! But seldom do we make good choices with those warm and fuzzy feelings. We risk making all kinds of common

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A Rant About A Local Issue- Get A Load Of This.

This ties nicely into all the off leash talk lately. There's a local issue here where I live surrounding off leash etiquette for a specific individual. My thoughts on the issue aren't hazy. At all. And neither should anybody else's be.  I cannot believe it has come to this. We live in a world where dogs are treated as teddy bears and we have no respect for our fellow humans Normalize responsible dog ownership and mutual respect. 

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Should You Trust Your Dog Off Leash?

Off leash is something most people want to be able to do with their dogs. However, this often results in people taking unnecessary chances with their dogs when they don't have the proper training.  Not only is this a safety risk, but it potentially creates a lot of conflict with other people and dogs in the vicinity. So what is the etiquette??

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Kennel Magic

Stop feeling guilty about crating your dog!! The crate is sooooo much more than just a "cage". The benefits are probably so much more than you imagine. You think the crate is just where you put your dog to keep him or her safe, but you are giving your dog a gift you're not even aware of!!Or maybe you're not…If you can't bring yourself to crate your dog, you need to listen to this one.

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The Magic Of Allowing Your Dog To Make Choices

If you've ever wondered why some trainers seem to be able to modify behavior so quickly and teach the dog to do things differently so easily, you need to hear this. So many people bark commands at their dog constantly. I know I used to. Most of the time they can't even do them because they are over excited,  and the state of mind just stays chaos. Addressing your dog's state of mind does not have to be a mystery.

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Everybody Thinks They’re The Judge!

One of the most awful things you can do as a human being is simply thinking you are worthy of judging everybody else. You are not in a position to do that. But you run into these people often if you take your dog out in public with a prong collar, ecollar, or muzzle on. Maybe you even have these people in your family.. I often get asked how to deal with people that tell you you shouldn't be training

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