They Say There Are No Bad Dogs (But There Are No Good Dogs Either)

In this engaging episode of Off Leash and Unfiltered, Kati Peppe of Diamond K9 Dog Training encourages listeners to avoid categorizing their dogs as either “good” or “bad”. She stresses that dogs, just like humans, exhibit a mixture of behaviors, and it’s how we respond to them that shapes our relationship with our pets. Kati passionately expresses the importance of viewing each behavior on its own, regardless of whether it’s likable or not, and addressing it accordingly without labeling the

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Get A Handle on Reactivity

Do you have a reactive dog? Most people do have a dog that exhibits at least a little reactivity. It’s also a kind of broad and meaningless term in the sense that any dog that is living is going to “react” to things. But what we are talking about is when your dog reacts to normal everyday things in a manner that ranges from mildly annoying to extremely disruptive, upsetting, and dangerous. If you want to get your dog’s reactivity

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We Are Creating Needy Codependent Dogs

In this episode of Off Leash and Unfiltered, Kati Peppe of Diamond Canine Dog Training discusses behavioral modification in dogs with separation and confinement issues, and the common missteps owners make which can regress their dog’s development. Kati encourages a comprehensive approach, including obedience training, effective punishment methods, and a consistent structure. Focusing on the structure aspect in this episode, she advises owners to spend more time directing their dogs’ activities rather than letting them be autonomous. She calls for

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The Key To An AUTOMATICALLY Polite And Reliable Dog: No Nagging And No Managing

In this engaging episode of Off Leash and Unfiltered, Kati Peppe discusses the importance of teaching your dog to respond to your cues rather than environmental triggers. Whether it’s not approaching a food bowl without permission, refraining from bolting through an open door, or remaining in place in a car until told otherwise, Peppe emphasizes the need for consistent training and correction to ensure obedience. She shares examples from her own experiences in dog training, exposing common triggers pet owners

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But What If You “Mess Up” Your Dog?!

There is a lot of controversy over the E-Collar and any tool that can be used “aversively”. There is no new information there. But, even people that seem to love using the E-Collar are often very outspoken about dog owners doing their own E-Collar training or buying online courses on the topic.  Have you noticed this? Are you one of the people with an E-Collar still sitting in the box because you aren’t sure what to do? Or maybe you

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Are Dog Owners Just Lazy?

Have you ever set out to make a change and failed miserably?  We’ve all heard that there are no bad dogs. And that so many dogs are “eager  to please”. It seems everything is the human’s fault. That is absolutely not the case! Dogs can be really difficult. But that my friend is an uncontrollable. And there is a lot of opportunity on the controllable end of things- the human end.   And although I have a very high percentage of

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There Are Only Two “Types” Of Training—Effective And Ineffective

It seems like every five minutes, a new training fad is sweeping the country. Here’s the thing: we’ve known the principles of behavior for a very long time, and they haven’t changed. Do you really think there’s some wildly effective new discovery that defies these laws? Every other day, I see another “technique” or “program” promising unprecedented results. They give them catchy names or acronyms, and you ALWAYS have to pay for them—but do they actually work? People often confuse

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Nothing Says Compassion Like Bloody Kids And Dead Dogs

I recently discussed the modern rescue dog fallacy and also had an episode discussing veterinarian’s giving terrible training advice. Well both of things impacted my family directly last week. Take a listen. Transcript: Today is going to be a heavy one. Yeah, this one really strikes a nerve with me. And actually I’ve done a couple of episodes recently that kind of focus on the same issue. But this one’s a big deal because there were recent events in my

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You Are Training Your Dog NOT To Listen The First Time

In this informative episode of Off Leash and Unfiltered, Kati Peppe of Diamond K9 Dog Training shares a crucial mistake she sees many dog owners make that hinders effective training. She emphasizes the importance of providing accountability and asserting consequences from the very first command, to instill listening the first time a command is given. Inconsistency in this area can often cause confusion for the dog, leading to them only listening after multiple repetitions of the same command. Kati’s advice

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The “Rescue Dog” Fallacy

The term "rescue" is attached to virtually every dog not purchased from a breeder. There is a reason behind this word choice, and it's not because such a high percentage of dogs are being tied to railroad tracks or came within inches of being chomped on by a crocodile.  Have we become a nation of virtue signaling dog "rescuers". You betcha. And the dogs are paying the price. 

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