
Our Responsibility

Despite working cooperatively together for thousands of years and selectively breeding them to produce specific shapes, sizes, temperaments, and abilities, we still struggle to understand and communicate clearly with our dogs. 

We have a responsibility to communicate with our dogs in a manner that can affectively teach them what is acceptable or unacceptable by providing them with meaningful feedback in both of those situations. Otherwise, in the case of a dog with serious behavioral issues, we risk condemning them to a life of constant rehoming or worse yet, the shelter, or even euthanasia. Even if the dog does stay in their home, they probably can’t be included in many of the family activities, and often it prevents us from developing a meaningful bond with them. The dog without any serious behavioral issues still potentially has a lot to gain from proper training. More inclusion, more freedom, less anxiety, and better coping skills and impulse control! It truly is the path to a long life of fulfillment.

In light of increasing dog related injuries and deaths across the nation: If you own a large power breed dog it is absolutely, unequivocally your responsibility to ensure that you have control over your dog’s behavior at all times. They have the potential to inflict injury and death. Reality is chaotic. You never know what is going to happen. People do stupid things, accidents happen, management fails, and dogs do dog things. They do not have a moral compass like a human being. They simply do what comes naturally unless you train them to do something else. Be a responsible dog owner, and train your dog! Everybody appreciates it!

Our philosophical framework in dog training, whether it’s behavior modification or obedience training, is one of simplicity and honesty. You should use the most effective and efficient technique to accomplish the goal safely. That way we achieve the goal, and we don’t waste your time or money. We do this by evaluating what motivates each individual dog and utilizing that in a way that we can both increase and decrease behaviors. That means we must tell the dog both ‘yes’ and ‘no’.   It isn’t fair to expect much if you don’t give the dog that information.

Just like you and me, your dog is best motivated if you provide things they would like to attain in conjunction with things they would prefer to avoid (take a minute and think about things you do even though you don’t feel like it. Why do you do them? Or things you would like to do, but you don’t. Why don’t you?) That being said, the consequences attached to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ can vary wildly from dog to dog, as they are all highly individual! I can’t stress enough how important it is to listen to the dog! The dog ultimately decides what consequences affect their behavior, and this means you actually get to know your dog differently, and learn a lot about them in this process.

Accountability is Compassion

This is where people struggle. When I meet most people, they are already great at rewarding, exercising, loving on, and playing with their dog. It’s the accountability that is usually completely absent. Many of us fail miserably at holding our dogs accountable for their behavior. It’s not for lack of trying, we just don’t know how to do it—or maybe we are afraid of damaging our relationship, or hurting our dog’s feelings. I am of the opinion that if our dog engages in a behavior that is dangerous to himself or others, is going to limit his freedom or inclusion in activities in some way, or elicits anger or frustration from us, we are absolutely obligated to provide that dog with the information they need to make better decisions. Therefore, keeping him safe, enabling him to live a better life, and improving the quality of our relationship.

Don’t allow your dog to do things that you hate. It will sabotage his life and your relationship. That is not compassion. The good news is I can show you how to calmly hold your dog accountable. No yelling, no screaming, and no anger or frustration! Your dog won’t take it personally. And you can finally live harmoniously together. Many times we don’t even realize how much our dog’s behavior is affecting our lives. We just kind of get used to it, and it becomes normal. Normal can be better!

If you have tried using well-timed cookies or teaching your dog alternative or incompatible behaviors (i.e., “sit” to stop jumping) to stop unwanted behaviors, and it isn’t working, you are not alone. That is totally normal, and there is nothing wrong with your dog! Unwanted behaviors need to be addressed directly. You need to learn to properly correct your dog and rewire their brain to make different neural connections. Once this is accomplished, you can reward better choices to build up and solidify new habits. You will never be successful at eliminating a behavior by telling your dog what you like but not what you don’t like. You are withholding information from your dog.

I can help you with this. See my services page and consider what might be right for you! Your dog is just doing what works—change that and change your life! Change your relationship, and change your outlook!

That’s compassion!

Make Today The Day!

Our dogs are valued members of our family. We want what is best for them. It brings me so much joy to help people bring the best out of their dogs. I believe in providing people with effective training in reasonable time frames. Most people’s goals are very attainable, and you’re improving both your life and your dog’s by making it happen! I’m happy to assist with puppy raising, manners, off-leash obedience, rehabbing reactivity, or eliminating problem behaviors. Contact me via email or text to set up a free phone consultation with no pressure or obligation.