Are Dog Owners Just Lazy?

Off Leash And Unfiltered
Off Leash And Unfiltered
Are Dog Owners Just Lazy?

Have you ever set out to make a change and failed miserably? 

We’ve all heard that there are no bad dogs. And that so many dogs are “eager  to please”. It seems everything is the human’s fault. That is absolutely not the case! Dogs can be really difficult. But that my friend is an uncontrollable. And there is a lot of opportunity on the controllable end of things- the human end. 

 And although I have a very high percentage of successful clients, I also have clients sometimes that sign up for private sessions and literally teach their dogs nothing. They sign up with high hopes and the best intentions, but walk away with nothing but disappointment. 

Today we delve into why people struggle to prioritize their dog’s training and be effective with it. 

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